
Ashley Trotter

About Ashley Trotter

A black and white icon of a check mark in a circle.

  • CrossFit Level 2
  • CrossFit Weightlifting

 Hobbies outside of CrossFit:

Past hobbies were Spartan races and and races from a 5k-Full Marathons. Still enjoying half marathons and as much hiking as possible.

Advice for someone new or thinking about getting into CF:

Just try it. Especially if you’re intimidated. Stepping out of our comfort zone and challenging ourselves is where we grow. It’s an amazing feeling when you find yourself doing things physically you never thought you could. The community factor plays a big role in our growth too. We all try CrossFit for different reasons but so many of us stay for the community.

Favorite thing about coaching:

I’ve always enjoyed teaching people, and coaching is an opportunity to do that. It’s the best feeling is when you’ve been coaching an individual since their start and you get to see their progress and improvements. I get excited with them.

Favorite song to workout to?

Jon Bon Jov’s “You give love a bad name”

Pat Benatar’s “Heartbreaker”

Ashley Trotter
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