The time has come… OPENING DAY!
The rig is up, floor is in, and equipment out. We are ready to rock n’ roll!
My goal with tomorrow is to first and foremost have a GREAT TIME, and working out with friend is definitely a great time in our book!
This workout is open for EVERYONE!
The class workout will start at 9:30AM. If you do plan on doing the workout, please come 20-15 minutes early to get settled in and fill out information.
If you just want to check it out and hang out that is totally cool too!
There will be food and hanging out after!
We can’t wait to meet you!
Makers CrossFit Grand Opening Workout!!
12 Min AMRAP
With a partner…
Run 1 Lap around building
With the remaining time…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible of
20 DB Snatches or KB Snatches, Partner Plank holds
18 Burpees, Parter holds DB or KB overhead
Partner can switch at any point.
Pick a weight that you can go unbroken and feel comfortable holding overhead.