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Makers Values

We are talking about core values today.

Core values are the words that define you and your actions. They are the words that push you to continue on and make the right choices for you even if they are hard choices.

Rather watch a video on our core values than read about it? Watch here!

Makers CrossFit Core Values
Making a Difference


Why these words?

Making a Difference
Be a positive ripple effect in the gym, workout place, social circle, and family.


Never settle for being content. We should also pursue growth whether that is in fitness, health, socially, emotionally, spiritually, etc. Stretch yourself (not just physically, but do that too)!

In Action:

– Creating Goals

– Seeking out opportunities for growth


You do not need to know it all, but always be open to learning more. Seek for the “why” behind an action. This will give you the power to make deep and meaningful change.

In Action:

– Hiring a coach

– Being open-minded


We are not looking for perfection, but we are looking for people to be the best they can with what knowledge and ability they have.

Our goals are ambitious. We are well aware that achieving our goals will not be easy. However, we attack our goals with relentlessness knowing nothing is a “failure”, but an experience to learn from.

Be a good person! Treat others as you would like to be treated.

In Action:

– Speaks highly of others. (NO GOSSIPING)

– Speaks positively to yourself!

– Cheers on and encourages one another.

Makers is our beloved home! This is what we believe in because we know that by living by these core values we will succeed at becoming the best version of ourselves. Hopefully, that will create a ripple effect that will inspire change outside of our four walls.

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